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How Can I Say No to You? emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Because you can’t.


Not with that dashing smile and those enchanting eyes…. “Great! Just tell me when you’re ready to go, or if you still want to stay here, I can pick you up later.” Let’s not forget about that delicious body, too. You have to admit, these muscles bear-kinds have are pretty… convincing. He’s tall, too. And also that—okay, Lucia is quite a catch, you have to admit it.


“Hmm? Is there something wrong with my chest?” Whoops, you’re paying attention to that broad chest for far too much. You blamed this bear body’s hormones. “Nothing, you just have different kind of furs with mine, I think?” smooth dodging, you praised yourself inside your head for the answer you gave him. Lucia nodded and explained about all kinds of bear types and you thought you’ve had enough study for a day so you stopped him with a statement.

Written by kelingking2 on 13 May 2016

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