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Hair Growth emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

A tingling on your skin snaps you back to reality as you attempt to remember the events of a book you last read back in High School. This tingling is on the back of your neck and it's extremely distracting. Reaching at your back, you feel your own hair. Strangely, though, your hair is much longer than it was before.


Not ready to immediately believe that your hair has genuinely received a spontaneous growth spurt, you rush toward the bathroom to see yourself in the mirror.


It's unmistakable. Your hair is longer and the hair on your eyebrows and eyelashes is also longer. Seeing as it's not technically an emergency and you still feel extremely healthy, you are wary to call the emergency team. Your lab is not a well-off lab and using labor and man-hours to talk about your rapidly growing hair is...


Well, probably justified. Yet somehow you can't bring yourself to do it. Perhaps it's another reason. Perhaps a strange boost in keratin? You check your fingernails to see if they too have grown longer. Indeed they have. You're surprised you didn't notice this while reading.


A boost in keratin is absolutely not an emergency. You'll report your odd circumstances in the morning. This is all very exciting.


You decide, after a quick nail clipping, as to not stab yourself in your sleep, to hit the sack and get up bright and early in the morning.

Written by Martin Prance on 11 February 2016


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