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Weeks later, in another place emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The jungles of India were not quiet, though not for the sounds of wildlife. People hadbeen in a constant panic, a gripping fear, ever since the outbreak of the strange curse that had changed men and women into tigerfolk. At first, some feared that the people affected were in fact rakshasa. As this went on, more began to wonder whether the cause was a wielder of hoodoo, or some form of demon, or perhaps even divine in nature.


Among them was Richard, a tourist from England, who was simply on vacation and in the wrong place at the wrong time. The curse seemed to be centralized in the village he had come to.


He grumbled slightly as he turned on the old television with his clumsy fingers and claws, fumbling with the buttons on the monitor itself. Apparently his hotel had run the remote through the wash after it had gotten caught in the sheets the last time they did the laundry. "The one time I take a good long holiday from the office in five years, and I got hair comin' out above my ass,"


Richard sighed as the screen finally clicked on.

Written by Machaeus on 12 November 2015

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