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. . . an apple pie! “I would love the pie,” you say. “It’s been a long time since I’ve tasted apples.”
The cook nods at you and starts to chop up a few apples. “If that’s all you two wanted, then leave and let me work.”
“Uuummm,” you say, “If it’s not too much trouble, could you give us a snack to tide us over until then?”
She rolls her eyes and tosses you both a biscuit. “Here. Now go away.”
The two of you scurry away back up to the deck, munching on your biscuits. Then something occurs to you. Turning to your companion, you say “I never did get your name.”
He shrugs. “My name is Aren. What’s your name?”
You tell him your name and the two of you shake hands. “Here’s to smooth sailing,” you say. At that moment, the ship jolts to life and knocks you both off your feet. “Um, never mind.”
“Buckle up everybody!” shouts the captain. “We’re setting sail!”
Aren sits up and looks at you. “So, what do you want to do next? I have a very interesting card game packed with me. Or I could tell you about my charity plans. But if you’re tired, maybe you should just go to your bunk and take a nap.”
You think for a moment, and decide that you feel like . . .

Written by Ophelianime on 13 February 2015

Both hearing about his charity plans.

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