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CHOOSE THE VULPINE GODDESS emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You reach toward the Vulpine Goddess before you. As your fingertips touch hers the world begins to spin. You feel as though you are falling, and your vision fails in a terrifying moment of intense vertigo.


When your sight returns you find yourself stood in a wooded area. The smell of wild flowers carries on the wind, and birds call in the topmost branches of old, wild trees. You realise your senses are sharper; you see more, hear more, smell more than you ever could before.


AS you rise from the ground, you look down at yourself and see the transformation the Vixen's magic has worked. Your body is now covered in soft, white fur. Your clothes are gone, and it is obvious your new form is female. As you adjust to the change, you become aware of the nine long, broad tails you now possess.


Fear takes hold of you. This new form, and this unfamiliar place create feelings of intense anxiety. Yet for now, it seems you are safe from any immediate danger, and you have time to regain your compose and adjust to your new form.


In time, you begin to feel the grow used to your newly enhanced senses. Your nose flares at the smell of animals upwind of you; the subtle, earthy scents of burrowing creatures, and the sharper, stronger musk of carnivorous creatures. You know instinctively that one of the animals is a young male fox. As you close your eyes, you imagine that you can see the world through his eyes, picking out the small, fuzzy shape of a wild hare the fox has chosen as his prey. You open your eyes again as the wind catches the harsh tang of fresh blood. Was it your imagination, or did you truly just gain the sight of another creature?


For now, this question must go unanswered. Night will fall soon, and you have no desire to be lost in the woods after dark. You spy a path through the undergrowth, little more than a parting in the foliage made by passing deer or other animals, but it is better than nothing. You set off at a brisk pace, and after a few short minutes you smell the hint of smoke nearby. It could mean people. But are they friendly? These strangers could help you, but perhaps it would be best to stay on your own for now.

Written by Jasan Quinn on 09 February 2015

Avoid the strangers

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