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Trickey #10 emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

"I'm not a lion!" You snarl in defiance, crouching low. "I'm a sphinx. And you would do well to remember it!"


Your hind legs compress beneath your hindquarters and then you are flying through the air at the beast, propelled and steadied by your wings. When you hit, all the air rushes out of your lungs, like a startling fall from a horse or other beast of burden, and you allow yourself to be thrown to the side, wings cushioning your fall. Rolling to the side, you spring upright and bare your teeth, like a wild animal, at the chimera, who hisses threateningly, the snake's showing you their poisonous fangs, dripping with venom.


"Last chance," he warns, though the goat head appears terrified, swiveling this way and that as the back legs scramble and jerk randomly. "This is your last chance to turn away and heed my warning."


"Like hell," you murmur, lashing your tail as you approach. "I'm getting that key, whatever you bloody try to do to stop me!"


"Oh, this should be fun," the chimera smirks, a demonic glint in his eyes.

Written by Amethyst Mare on 10 July 2012

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