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Dead things don't die. emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Disembowelment doesn't seem to be working on the thing - not surprising on an undead creature. The only purpose of internal organs is to keep things alive, and judging by the amount of decay here, these ones gave up doing that a while ago. It's time to try something else. You abandon the traditional feline attack and go for the thing's limbs instead.


Their strength is purely supernatural; the rotting muscles tear quite easily. All it takes are two jerks of your head and a kick of your hind paws, and the clawed arms and legs are on the ground, about as dangerous as a bunch of arthritic snakes. The thing (what's left of it) doesn't seem to be bright enough to notice. It hisses and tries to gouge you with the claws it no longer has. You remove its head, just to be safe, and look around.


The rat warrior isn't faring quite so well. Most of the dead things are attacking him; yours probably only attacked you because you were in the way. The warrior's armor protects most of him from the claws and teeth of the attackers, but the buried claws are still holding him to the ground, and he has to whirl his staff constantly just to protect his head and neck. It doesn't look like he can keep it up much longer.

Written by Chrysalis on 05 January 2010

Both Attaaack!

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