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There's the Shark. emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

It's hard to tell through the dark water, but it looks like the river is fairly deep in the middle. You won't be able to just wade across. Fortunately, it's not that wide, so you strip down to your underwear and get ready to swim. The water is pleasantly warm as you wade into the shallows.
The current is strong, even by the banks, but the bed of the river is firm enough that you manage to keep your footing. The water is up to your waist when you feel someone pull your underwear down. You whirl around, ready to yell at whoever it is, and almost fall down as the elastic tangles around your ankles. It takes you a moment to regain your balance. <spanFullTF>When you do, you notice two things. First, there's no one else in the river with you; second, something below the water line feels... strange. Very strange.
You look behind you and almost lose your balance again. Instead of your familiar rear end, what you find is a long gray tail protruding from the end of your spine. It's quite thick - almost as wide as your torso - and connects to your back in a seamless curve. The only division is at the water line, where the strange gray skin meets the dry human skin above it. Whatever's going on obviously has something to do with the water. The tail is also quite heavy, and the current pulls hard on the pointed fin at the tip. The shape is easy to recognize; you have a full-sized shark's tail growing from your rear. It's no wonder you're having trouble keeping your balance. You try to move the new limb, flexing muscles you never had before, and the graceful sweep of the tail nearly knocks you over again.
The tail isn't the only change down below. Your legs are covered with the same gray skin, and you can't feel your toes. The skin between your legs is smooth, white, and completely featureless except for a single vertical slit. If there's still any male plumbing down there, it's nowhere you can see. It looks like you might not need your underwear anyway. There's certainly no way you could get it back on.
As if all this wasn't enough, the water seems to be rising. It creeps up to your stomach as you watch, and your navel flattens out into unbroken white skin. It's only when your tail touches the bottom that you realize the water isn't rising; your legs are shrinking. The transformation to shark might be slow, but it looks like it's going to go all the way. <spanFullTF><spanSumTF>You are changing into a shark.</spanSumTF>

Written by Chrysalis on 13 June 2009

Both Keep going anyway.

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