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...You Don't Succeed halfstar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Nothing. You're still a horse.


You search the other horses' faces for some sign of intelligence, some sign that one of them understands what's going on - after all, if it happened to you, it could have happened to them. They stare at you with a sort of blank curiosity. A few of them chew absent mindedly. There aren't any other ex-humans there, or if there are, they've forgotten. It looks like this is a one-way trip. You're stuck here as a stupid horse, a stupid male horse, with all the other stupid horses.


Though now that you think about it, there are worse things than spending your life with a herd like that. You could at least give it a try. It couldn't hurt to just go and eat with them for a few minutes. Your stomach's larger than it's ever been, and it's completely empty. You could fill it with some of that lovely green grass that's making your mouth water. It's not as if you have anything better to do right now. (Come to think of it, did you before?) Maybe you could meet some of those mares...

Written by Chrysalis on 25 November 2008

You eat some grass

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