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If at First... star star halfstar emptystar emptystar

It didn't work. Going over the fence changed you, so going back through it should have changed you again, but it didn't work. In desperation, you try it once more, crashing back through the fence and adding a few more bruises to your new front legs. When you turn around, you still do it on four hooves. The fence is whole and unbroken.


All right, maybe you have to not smash the fence when you cross it. After all, if you were a magical picket fence, you probably wouldn't be too happy about big stallions punching holes in you.


Obviously, you can't climb the fence without arms. You'll have to jump it. You back up to get a running start, then lunge forward, hooves pounding the earth, and leap-


-Hey, you think as you easily clear the fence, this is way better than anything I could do before-


-And land on the other side, slamming into the ground with all four hooves.


You stand there for a second, panting slightly, until...

Written by Chrysalis on 25 November 2008

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