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Oh Me Goddess emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You find a mirror and look closer at you new form. Bast in jeans. Terrific.


The wizard appears beside you. "Well met, my goddess," he says. "Is the new avatar to your liking?"


A soft voice purrs. "Indeed it is. You have served me well, high priest."


You realize to your horror that the voice is coming from your own throat. It's like something (a goddess?) has taken over your body and controls it. (A GODDESS??)


"Get out of my head you maniac!" you scream, or try to. What comes out your mouth is a calm "The avatar seems quite upset though. Did you inform her properly before the summoning?"


"Well, no," the old man admits. "She just came in here and accidentally started it on her own."


Bast crosses your arms and looks sternly at her servant. "How many times must I tell you to be careful about storing the artifacts?" she asks rhetorically.


Without moving, the goddess somehow manages to indicate that she turns her attention to you. During her little speech you notice that the wizard does not seem to hear her, and realize that she is talking directly to your mind.


"Well then, Miss Avatar. We shall call you that as we do not know your real name and it is of little consequence anyway. Are you ready for a delayed orienteering, or are you going to keep fighting me?"


"I'll be good!" you whimper. "Please don't hurt me! I just want my life back."


"Will you serve me then?"


"What if I don't?"


"Then you die."


"But I won't tell a living soul! Or the dead..."


"This is not about the information (Who would believe you anyway?), it's the way things are. I can only leave an avatar when it dies or my need for it expires."


"I see. Hobson's choice, then? What is this all about anyway?"


"As you may have perceived, I am the goddess Bast..."


"Well duh!"


"DO you have a death wish?"


"Sorry. Go on. I'm a captive audience."


"I shall pretend I did not hear that. That, however, is my last act of good will. Getting down to the matter at paw, I have things to do on this plane. Goddess business. I need a physical form for this, an avatar. By accident, you are it. The business will take about a week. I shall require full control for about thirty hours. If you have acquired the needed skills by then, you can take over and act on my behalf. Questions?"


"What skills?"


"Not ones you currently possess. They will be taught you. I shall try anyway."


"What about my body?"


"I will do my best to keep it from getting injured. Any damage suffered will be repaired."


"Swell, but I meant will I be like before?"


As the goddess turns to face the mirror you realize the wizard has left on some business or other. She starts pulling at your clothes, and you realize she wants to undress, so you give her some hints before she resorts to claws. You have a feeling that the promise to avoid and repair damage does not extend to your attire.


Within a minute you stand gazing at Bast's furry reflection together, crumpled clothes at your feet.


Naked cat goddess. Now there's something you don't see every day!


"Do you like this body?" she asks.


You try to be diplomatic. "Well, you know what they say - it's a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there."


She bristles. "Would you turn down this gift?"


"No, no! It's just, you know..."


"Obviously I don't."


"It... ah... it would not be appropriate for my lifestyle. I mean, could you see this body doing dishes or taking out the garbage?"


Bast stands quiet for a while, her tail swishing ominously. Then you realize she's purring. "Sly," she remarks. "Keep that up and I shall have to make you a fox. Anyway, you can have this form or your own back. Which of us makes the choice and what my choice will be, depends on how well you serve me. If you are good, I will give you a choice of any form you want. If you are very good,you can have a choice of any two forms and the ability to change at will."


She pauses. "That is all I can tell you before you choose. What will it be then?"


While you stand pondering, the wizard reappears carrying a stack of clothes and other paraphernalia. Of course. Bast does not want to wear your clothes any more than she wants to wear your body. Or you hers... in everyday life, that is.


What will it be then...?

Written by Won-Tolla on 31 May 2007

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