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Minotaur!!!!! star halfstar emptystar emptystar emptystar

There is another man in the room in the corner. You walk over to him and find out he's beautiful. He is like the man you always dreamed you would be with.


You remove your clothes as he does the same thing. You start to make out as he makes his way behind you. He starts the process and you forget about everything. You feel that he is getting rougher.


You look at him to see his ears pointed and his feet are growing long and flat. You look at your toes to see the same thing happing to you. He starts to grow hair lightly all over his body. You feet start to fuse together and so does his.


You have pointed ears now and you both have flat black nails. You hands and feet turn into hooves and so does his. Horns grow out of your head and you start to grow something jiggly and squishy on your stomach.


Your nose gets flat, grows, and pushes out and so does his. The hair growth on both of you is increasing. You both grow tails. Your udder grows bigger. You are both now full minotaurs. You feel something kick in your stomach suddenly you have the feeling that you are gonna be a great mother for your calves.

Written by hypobonix on 30 March 2007

The end (for now)

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