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You are no ones puppet star star star halfstar emptystar

the creature leers at you. "Look" says the fox "I have no reason to explain myself to a servant of mammon and really I am doing this against my better judgement."


As she says this she moves closer to you. "Don't make me do something you would regret..." she says her voice trailing off as she reaches her hand out for you.


You instinctively flinch away and the rabbits snatch hold of your arms, immobilising you. Struggle as you might these guys are just too strong for you. You look at the fox and let loose an evil snarl "Your wrong about me. I serve no Mammon and I sure as hell don't serve this "Lyris" chick either. In fact just as soon as I get out of this things grip I am going to go get a cat scan and see why the worlds gone loony toons."


"I am afraid that is not going to happen." the fox begins moving stroking your ears "I am afraid if you don't submit to the goddess you will fall to her servants and there's just no stopping that." she speaks down to you in a condescending manner. It really makes you mad. Furious in fact.


You snap at her arm with your powerful jaws, but her fast reflexes allow her to grab your mouth and hold it shut.


"well then I guess we are going to have to do this the hard way and forcibly bring one of our sisters here through you. "


You watch in tones of red from where her hand was placed on your face your fur begins turning white. You can feel her energy flowing into you. But you wont let it happen to you. With your new found flexibility you flip your feet up around her arm and twist her over.


One of the rabbits punches you square in the side of the head knocking you free of the grip of the others and landing you about 15 feet away from the group. Your body feels broken but only for a moment after that you are up again ready to defend yourself against these monsters.


You run at the nearest rabbit creature leap into the air and land around its head. Then you bite down hard on its jugular and tear all the meat you can out before it grabs you. You have entered a new savage part of your mind and its high time that you let loose some pent up rage.

Written by Razortail on 07 October 2005

Both Power of Rage

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