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Covered in steel, he fought as if he was invincible. He charged recklessly with the sword pointed at your heart, batting away your heads with the two-handed sword. You retreated instinctively, trying to keep a distance, but still unfamiliar to the weight and shape of your body, the blade of his long sword found you.


Your blood was spilled on the floor and the human laughed out loud, knowing his victory was only a matter of time. The Predator attacked, neck uncoiling frighteningly fast, but the human smashed the pommel of his sword against the head, broke his fangs in a single move that sent waves of pain going through your whole body.


Why are you still trying to force your control? Don’t try to think, don’t even try to remember whatever passed for humanity.


He pressed the advantage and it hurt like hell, each stroke of his blade drawing blood, going deeper into your flesh, opening new holes in your scales. This wannabe knight may have been an idiot, but unfortunately, he had the strength and technique to back it up.


You busted into a nearby room, your body breaking through the rotten wood and getting a bunch of splinters going under your scales in the process. The wannabe knight came right after you, sword in a high guard for a killing strike.


Stop fighting it, you dumb reptile! You really wanted to be human so badly you were going to keep holding to it right until this asshole in metal armor cut your head, stuffed it, and dangled it on top of his fireplace?


There was less light inside of this room, this mattered less for your new eyes, but the human had troubles following your movements. Your dark scales blended with the night and your serpentine movements were harder to track.

Written by Ashley Natter on 11 April 2021

Both Attack

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