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A Hole emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The traveler turns to the dusty ground, beginning to scrape with his stick, apparently pondering. You wiggle slightly. You’ve just noticed that your boobs are on clear and prominent display right now, so you cross your front legs in front of you, trying to create a covering. You hope desperately that the man gets the answer right…you’re not really in the mood to devour anyone today, and you need a correct answer to transform back! You wish you could just give it to him…but the answer remains locked up in your mind, just like the other two riddles.


Finally, the traveler looks up, adjusting his hat. “Oh, great Sphinx! The answer to your question…the thing that gets smaller the more you put into it…it is a hole in the ground!”


You nod your head, pleased. Now that he’s said it, the answer is clear in your mind. You congratulate him and promise him a safe passage on his journey. As the man walks off into the distance, you feel a small tingling sensation over your body. Are you changing back already? But that was only one answer!

Written by Kinky Chameleon on 11 June 2018

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