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Back to the room emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You stood on a dark, foggy road. When you tried to look at your hands, you saw only a blur. The wind blew at your back, urging you to take a step forward...and you did. Before long, you came to a crossroads. At the end of one path, you saw a human...and at the end of the other, you saw a giant sabertooth tiger.


You ran towards the human, but the wind rushed at your face; harder and harder and harder until you were lifted into the air and pushed away. You felt your determination faltering as the wind needled your skin, and you were thrown backwards, into the darkness.


Your back smacked into a cold, hard wall and you opened your eyes...and again you found yourself in that room.


You could neither feel nor speak as you looked at the blood-stained hospital bed. There was no escaping this Hell; this was your life now, and you must accept it.


...Was there even a reason to hope about going back?


You stepped away from the bed, towards a broken-down door at the back of the room and saw a mirror. You saw yourself...not quite human, not quite animal, but something in-between.


You placed your paw on the glass and felt something wet on the fur of your face.




The tears wouldn't stop flowing.


You pressed your paw hard into the glass until it cracked and the shards pierced your flesh. Blood did not drip from the wound, but rather from the cracks in the mirror.


Blood, blood and more blood...


It dripped and oozed and soaked the floor, but no matter how hard you tried, you could not look away from the bloodstained face in the mirror.


Was that really you?

Illustrated by merieth

Written by Merieth on 15 June 2018

Both Sane for a moment

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