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Skill: Absorb emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Skill Name: Absorb Mana Cost: 1 Cast Time: 1 Sec(autocast)
Range: Medium XP: 0 / 100
This skill has a low chance to absorb the charistic of a creature in range. Should it be unable to find a new charistic, the mana will be returned. Leveling up will allow more slots to be filled.


Current setup:

Sex: Male
Size: Medium
Form: Bipedal
Head: Human
Language: Common
Chest: Human
Arms: Human
Legs: Human
10x reduction in walking stamina
Tail: Human


As you look over the screen you hear a notification ding.


Absorb has successfully absorbed Tail:Skunk


The skill screen changes as well


Current setup:

Sex: Male
Size: Medium
Form: Bipedal
Head: Human
Language: Common
Chest: Human
Arms: Human
Legs: Human
10x reduction in walking stamina
Tail: Skunk Inactive: Human


You look over your shoulder to see the black and white striped tail hanging behind you. Two more notifications pop up.

Skill Learned: Identify
This skill allows you to identify things. This includes special abilities for the skill Absorb.

Species Learnt: Skunk
A skunk is a mammal. Special attack. Skunk Spray requires Skunk in the tail and butt slot.


You reach out to push human and an error sound occurs.

Form slots may only be changed in settlement rated Indifferent or above.
Human is not a learned trait.

Written by catprog on 26 February 2018

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