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You continue snuffling the air and wonder around in search of the mouthwatering aroma. It was meat, but you could not identify what kind or the animal it came from. All you knew was that it smelled amazing and you wanted some of it. Your sharp claws tap lightly against the ground as you stalk around. Your paws dig into the dirt slightly when you crouch down low in the tall grass.


The scent is stronger here. You crawl closer and closer to where the wonderful aroma is and twist through the trees. Slinking underneath a large log you stop suddenly and and quickly sink to the ground. Lying flat on your stomach you hear yipping in the distance. Hiding in the grass you carefully move closer and strain your ears. You listen intently to the crunching and snapping sounds as they bounce around the forest. You hear something moving ahead, but you can't make anything out. Your eyes widen and your ears fall back against your head.


Your breath comes out in quick puffs. What could be making those strange sounds? You wonder fearfully. More things move and then the crunching is louder. Whatever it is, it's just sitting there, munching on something that smells wonderful.


Wait... are there more of them!? Why are they just staying there?

Written by Vixerlen on 07 January 2018


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