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A curse emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

"A witch has cursed you. You are cursed to stay in a new body until you accept this new body. When you do, you will be assigned a new body. There are three different bodies for you to experience; once you've accepted them all, you will be set free." His voice was calm, almost monotone throughout his speech. You shiver.


"W-what will I do?" Your voice is shaky, and your head is spinning.


"You will stay with us, until you have accepted yourself, us, and our culture."


It seemed to be his final words, because the woman that found you pulls you out of the tent. He laughs behind you, and it makes you feel uncertain. You wonder how much he's seen. The red haired woman pulls you to the other women and sit you down, you want to protest, but instead you let her.
She introduces herself as Enja in a cheerful tone. Her family are scavengers, and she is training to become one too.


"What do scavengers do?" You ask.


Enja tells you about the work she does. She scavenges for wood, rocks, nuts, and roots, and they look for gold in the river. There are six different positions you can get assigned to: farming, scavenging, hunting, guarding, building and crafting. She tells you that you will be assigned to farming.


"Since you're new and all," she says with a smile.

Written by AnxiousRomeo on 15 September 2017

Both Stay by the Fire

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