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FERAL GIRL PEGASUS emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

They’re so far away, though. You need to catch up to them! Without thinking twice, you lower your altitude and begin flapping your sizeable wings, but something feels wrong about your pose. As if answering your concerns, your musculature begins shifting one more time. Bones extend, crack and reform as your whole body becomes bulkier. Your torso and neck lengthen effortlessly, shifting your center of mass lower as the muscles on your hefty behind reconfigure. Your otherwise bulky breasts begin to shrink back and migrate down towards your nethers. Your hands completely merge into hooves, that begin frantically galloping trough the air while your arms and legs bend and grow. Still not fast enough!


In your desperation for speed, you can hardly notice as your organs finally finish setting into place, and with what feels like a clunk, the transformation is finished. As if aware of it themselves, the herd you were following seem to slow down. You’ve already come this far, too late to turn back now.

Written by Diethyl on 13 December 2016

Both Zoo

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