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Meeting the rest of the group emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

"Anyway" he says "I think it is now time for you to meet the rest of the guild"


He fumbles on the wall before opening a door. "The secret doors allow access to any part of the course. However they are really hard to find if you do not know the trick"


You nod and walk up the stairs, wings folded.


At the top of the stairs, it appears that every one has gathered. Or if not everyone a sizable portion of them.


The level of humanity ranges from a tiger with no outside traces of humanity, to a girl with just a cat tail and cat ears.


"Welcome Annipe" your guide says. "This is almost everyone. Everyone this is Annipe"


You nod as they welcome you before the guide continues. "She was able to find a bypass to the first obstacle, but could not get past the second. Also she has found the Queen's library."


You take questions ranging from how you got here, why did you pick this form until the sun sets and your guide approaches "Now we must find a room for you."

Written by catprog on 26 June 2016

Both Your room

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