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Try the course emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

"Anyway" he says "I think we need to see how you go on our course."


He opens a trapdoor. Down the stairs is where it is.


You head down and the door shuts immediately.


Despite the lack of light your eyes seem well suited for the low light.


The first obstacle you notice is a bunch of swinging logs, luckily your wings make short work of flying over them.


The second one is a wall of stone with a river flowing out from underneath it. The only way though being to swim underneath.


The moment you swim under the rock the current pulls you back, each stroke harder and harder. Your breath slowly going with each stroke until you give up and drift back.


Your head breaks the surface and you find him waiting their for you. "Well technically speaking you did not complete a single obstacle. Although you did bypass one."


"So I failed?" you ask.


"Very few people even get past the first one on their first go" he says "So you were quite ahead of most people's first runs. We will change the first run though to make it so you have to do it."

Written by catprog on 25 June 2016

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