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Your first Quest emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You stand their looking around, getting used to the body. However it seems very suitable for you. Almost as if the game has given you a set of instincts to go along with it.


As you move around you hear a sound. In the corner of your eye is a message box.


Nakedness in the city is punishable.
Please find a set of clothes before leaving the park


You look up and realize you are about to step out of the park and into the city proper.


You step back and the message box clears.


Right so no moving out of the park until you find a set of clothes but where are you going to find a set of clothes in a park?


You wander around the park, strangely you seem to be the only creature around. That is until you find a beach heading into a river. On said beach are clothes and towels, and looking far out into the river are swimmers.


As you watch they slip under water as if they were under attack.


You have a decision to make, do you help them ,do you steal their clothes or do you do something else?

Written by catprog on 03 June 2016

Both Help Them

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