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Ask His Name emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You nod pensively at the sabre-toothed tiger-man's words, wondering what kind of creatures these 'dragons' are, and if you'll ever meet one. Perhaps more of note is the fact that they've apparently arrived to this place on the same date that you had... Does time travel differently here?


Your train of thought screeches to a halt as you realize two things: first, that you've been staring at the tiger's chest for a few seconds too long to be comfortable; and second, you don't know his name.


A blush creeps across your cheeks as you shift in place, your skunk's tail swaying beside you from side to side as you wonder how to possibly atone for such a lapse.


"Something the matter?" He asks, chuckling. Apparently he's the direct sort, which makes this a good deal easier.


"Y-yes." You respond, a little hesitantly. "It's just... I don't quite know your name, do I?"


"It's Duncan." The tiger speaks with a grin, nodding to you. "And in return, may I ask yours?"

Written by SketchySeraph on 20 May 2016

Both Umm...

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