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Money, money, money star star star halfstar emptystar

The money you paid off to a fellow student tipped you off to this passage. You here scratching above you and quickly move the wall panel back into place to cover your tracks. You muffle your breathing trying to make each breath as deep and quiet as possible. A few seconds later you hear a conversation outside in the hallway.


"Anyone get past you?"


A female student responds, "No one would have gotten by us."


A second female states rather flagrantly, "Not if they were cute." She pauses and adds, "Then you'd be looking for two of us."


"Well, one student is not in their quarters." You hear a beep. "Yeah, tell Tubuo."


A raspy voice responds, "Acknowledged. We'll gather the students in the courtyard. If this students goes back to their quarters, we'll know who they are and we will punish the appropriately. Yeoman was found sleeping with a dart in his neck."


A second male voice comments, "He had some weird hair on his neck."


The first male commands, "We're not talking about that. You have your assignments, now get to work!"


One woman says, "That second student they found, the guy..."


The second man says, "I just found Yeoman and a girl, but she didn't look human."


Her voice trails of leaving only the words, "Really?"

Written by minerva on 23 January 2008

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