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What Should I Do While Waiting? emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

So here you are. Sitting on a sofa where Lucia, that bear-man’s name, told you to wait for him inside the building’s library. It looked more like a café though, with how Lucia set foods and drinks for you on the table, and there’s a holographic screen on the middle of the table where you can touch around to function it, or at least that’s what you remembered from when Lucia taught you before he left. You haven’t tried the screen out of hunger so chowing on these unfamiliar yet seemed tasty foods was your first priority and boy they were delicious.


This felt like a date, though. Very much like one.


Playing with your fork on a pudding-like meal, you finally tried to touch the screen. Wow, you can literally feel a slight tingle when your finger met the light-made surface as it responded and opened up what seemed to be a list of the topic you’re searching for. There’s even a slim box on the topmost that will popped you a holographic keyboard to type what you want to search if you can’t find it on the list. Amazingly, it had like millions of languages you can choose from and you have no problem in switching the keyboard to Earth’s one.


Just how advanced are these people?


Hm? What’s this? You suddenly smelled something familiar…. “Sorry for the wait,” that was Lucia’s voice, you recognized that before he appeared in your line of vision. Did you just able to sniff him before you saw him? Probably because you’re a half-bear now? “Did you find anything? Have you decided on what to do next?”


Man, this guy didn’t waste his time.

Written by kelingking2 on 10 May 2016

Both Once The Teleporter
Both I

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