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The Bear Costume Looks Interesting! emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Out of all the costumes, the grizzly bear one caught your eyes. It looks hella sexy, you thought. And look at that cute, fluffy, round pair of ears…. You know that you’ll look good in anything, even a female bear costume. So confidently you pick it up and put it on. Hands on waist as you strike a pose and yes, you believe you do look dashing!


But wait, what’s this? The costume started to feel tight on your skin. Scratch that, it’s becoming your skin! You watched in shocked at first with how you feel the fur as yours, the ears as yours, added with confusion when the brown growing wavy hair down to your chest felt as yours, and even the swollen chest as yours. Hold on, your swollen chest? In panic you look down and touch what’s down there. And yes, it’s gone. You’ve grown a pair upstairs and lose another pair downstairs.


Congratulations, you are now a very hot and smoking sexy, grizzly bear girl!

Written by kelingking2 on 22 April 2016

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