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Radar star star star emptystar emptystar

You radio in a report about Matt's half finished journal entry and the total desertion of the camp. Tails nods when he gets you report.


You then look for ways to build a large lifeform scanner with the supplies and Matt's plane. You gives the fox an occasional look.


It watches back curiously. "It's never going to be portable, but I think I've rigged this radar to show me any large lifeforms or large concentrations of them in this area of the island..." you think


You pet the fox, then turns the radar on.


The radar puts a large dot taking up a quarter of the screen in the center


Looks like I've got one possibility to check out before I have to ask for somebody with a clue what they're doing to take over.


You report where your going and why.


Your report is acknowledged and you go in the direction of the dot

Written by catprog on 16 March 2011

Both Follow the dots

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