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land on the runway emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You looks for a long enough stretch of sand to land on but your mind tells you that landing on the beach is much riskier then the runway.


You sighs. "Have it your way." She taxis in for a landing on the runway.


When you land their is a camp next to the runway but is seems abandoned.You checks the abandoned plane first, then scouts out the camp.


The plane is ready to go. Their is a burnt out fire and a pot with a residue that used to be food in it.


Nothing obviously wrong, at least... let's see if Matt left a journal anywhere. You see his laptop hooked up to a solar panel and is open and on.


The journal is on the screen and it stops mid-sentence but is normal apart from that. You reads the journal as quickly as possible, then turns to look behind herself but everything seems normal.

Written by catprog on 13 March 2011

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