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The mountains emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

A small cave in the mountains catches your eye, and you soar towards it with ease, your body responding to your every thought as if you were born to it. It's not exactly comforting that it's so easy to adapt to this alien body, but it's better that you can use it than the alternative.


The ground blurs below you as you swoop towards a cavern, beating your wings heavily to arrest the speed of your descent. With that, your talons meet the hard and rocky surface of the cavern you'll soon call home, and you quietly click your way in, easily padding on all fours.


It's not the first place that you'd like to call home, but compared to the outdoors, it's downright cozy. That said, it could use a few touches to make it really a home...

Written by SketchySeraph on 28 January 2016

Both Look for bedding

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