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the soul scarf. emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You wind the scarf around your neck and give the seller his money and make your way to the edge of the Rajah dessert. There is a blue sand skimmer ship floating on the edge of the sand with a wind-worn looking man standing next to it. You approach the man. “Hello, I’m journeying to Abuelachna. Can you take me there?"
The man scratches his beard. “I surely can, as long as you pay my fee."
You root through your pockets and pull out 9 ruthes. “This is all I have to spare."
The man takes your coins. “This won’t get you to Abuelachna, but it will get you to the village of Zahrah. It’s about halfway there."
You decide to accept the deal, and climb onto the ship. Over the next few hours, three more passengers come on board. A red-haired teenage boy, a pretty young woman in a frilly dress, and a long limbed man with braided hair.
It looks to be a long trip, so you decide to approach . . . .

Written by ophelianime on 01 December 2014

Both the red-haired teenage boy

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