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the small wind-chime. emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The other two gods nod once and disappear, leaving only you and Masjinne. "Wonderful!" she says. "Now here’s a piece of advice." She points towards the east. "Travel that way towards the Rajah desert and make your way to the city of Abuelachna. There you will find your destiny."
With that as her final words, the wind around her whips into a frenzy. When the dust clears, she is gone and you are by yourself. You take a string and tie the wind-chime around your neck. Then you turn towards the east and start walking.
As you walk down the path, you see a man up ahead with a donkey laden with wares. "Excuse me," the man calls out. "I’m a traveling salesman. Would you like to buy some of my wares?"
You glance over his wares. It seems that he’s selling clothes, and you do feel rather threadbare. "All right. What can you give me for 11 ruthes?"
The salesman considers this and pulls out three items. A black messenger bag, a cozy red coat, and a pale blue scarf. "Each one of these is worth that much," he says.
He holds up the black messenger bag. "This bag is enchanted so that, once it’s yours, the possessions it holds can never be stolen. No hands but yours will ever be able to reach the items inside."
Next he holds up the red coat. "This is a coat that will keep you warm, even if you were to be encased in ice. You will never be cold again so long as you wear this."
Lastly, he holds up the blue scarf. "This is a soul scarf, which will keep you from dying no matter how badly you are injured. It won’t heal you, but it will keep you alive."
After careful consideration, you decide to by the . . . .

Written by Ophelianime on 30 November 2014

Both the soul scarf.

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