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"Now remember each room will contain a new challenge," the man said casually turning away from dismissing you from his thoughts. He returns to the machine and smiles absently at the controls.


"Wait!" You cry, "I don't understand any of this! Whats going on? What is this place? Why has this been done to me?" the man turns back to look at you the distracted look fading from his face. The screen behind the scientist blinks, showing scenes flickering from one person to another.


"Why you are asking me that? You made the choice to come here. And this place is what it always is; a challenge for your skills," the man sighs and shakes his head in exasperation. "Why don't people never do the orientation anymore. Very well, this is an arena to test your skills and your imagination. Alone, in pairs or in groups, it doesn't matter. You will enter each room in a different manner; normally you will not be shown what you will face. Each room will have a different challenge, sometimes a fight, sometimes a problem of logic, mostly it will be simply get to the next room. You beat the challenge---you move on, otherwise... Well, each room---room isn't really what they are, they are small worlds. And real.."


You listen with growing unease you turn to him and glance back at the door. The man follows your gaze and shakes his head. "Once in here you must go on. Now, you've wasted enough time. What will you choose?"


Written by TobyFox2002 on 22 February 2012

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