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Rubber, rubber everywhere and not a... emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

As the smoke clears, you notice everything around you has turned soft and squishy. It's a bit hard to see because the windows have turned opaque and the lamps aren't burning any more. Guess you should have been even more specific with the wish...


You feel kind of warm and sticky yourself, and realize that your clothes have turned to rubber as well. Of course, they were in the house when you made the wish, so...
Fortunately you did some laundry this morning and have some garments out on the clothesline that should be okay. You just have to calm down Isabelle so she'll stay put while you go out and get the clothes. A soft growl from her stomach tells you she's hungry, and you could use a bite yourself, so you head for the kitchen...
Which turns out to be a futile quest. The fridge and all the food in it has been transformed as well. Looks like you have to go out and buy some...
Wait a minute...!


Fearing the worst you slip a hand into your pocket and pull out your wallet. It's rubber, and so is the cash in it. And you're going to have a hard time trying to make further withdrawals with rubber cards!


You have heard of checks that bounce, but this is ridiculous!

Written by Won-Tolla on 16 August 2007

Male Try to refrain from panicing long enough to make a plan

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