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After a bit of waiting, you suddenly find yourself in midair, falling fast. You look down, and see that you are falling into an active volcano. It would seem you're not getting a transformation after all. You fall into the volcano and burn into ashes.


But somehow, you're still alive.


You can't see, smell, hear, feel, or taste, but you know that you are still alive. And this information gives you strength to try to get above the surface of the lava, in spite of the fact that you have no idea how to.


But somehow, you manage anyway.


After breaching the surface, you let out a victorious cry that you find both strange and familiar. You then start flapping your arms, no, wings, and lift into the air. You realize that you are no longer human, and may never be one again.


But somehow, that doesn't bother you.


You look yourself, as you are still unsure of what you look like. You have a build somewhat like a large peacock. Your feet have become sharp, scale-clad, talons. In place of a nose and mouth you have a long beak, and instead of hair being on the top of your head, you have a golden crest of elegant feathers. Red, green, and white feathers, which appear to be all the colors of the rainbow when the sun's rays are on your back, almost completely cover you.


"This may not be so bad after all." You think to yourself.

Written by Blazin on 27 March 2007

The end (for now)

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