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You try to stand again, keyword being try, as the first time you try to stand on your own feet. Hooves. You fall. You fall forward, then backwards. You try over and over again with the same result. You're so unfamiliar with these new curves, not to mention your skinny legs and your small hooves. You try again, this time keeping your balance for about a minute, just standing, before attempting to walk and falling on your behind. You groan frustrated, but in your new voice it sounds weird to you.


Eventually you get ahold of your strange new body. You proceed to move towards the roaring river, hoping it'll lead to somewhere. With small, clumsy steps you follow the sound of the river. You try to focus on every step you take instead of overthinking the situation. Continuously you trip and fall over your own feet, but you carry on.


You pass beautiful trees, interesting plants, and the river is gorgeous, but none of that matters to you. You have to keep thinking about moving. The river turns into a stream and the stream leads to a blank lake.


You're scared to, but curiosity takes over and you have to look at your reflection.


Big brown doe eyes look back at you. You follow the feminine curves of your face with your eyes. Your cheekbones are high and sharp. Your cheeks soft. You touch them with your fingertips. Your lips are full, you touch those too. There's freckles splattered across your face. What stands out the most is your antlers, they are those of a deer. They're big and you stroke them carefully, irrationally afraid of breaking them. Below them, on each side of your head, are ears, matching the antlers. They're the same shade of brown as your long dark brown hair. It doesn't take you long to realize it. You are really half deer. You are a deer woman. Your heart pounds in your chest, and you fall backwards, screaming. It feels too real. This can't be happening. Your eyes flutter and you touch them carefully. It's happening. You stare numbly at your hooves, wishing they'd disappear. You keep touching your ears, your antlers, stroking, pulling, poking, and prodding. They're real. They're really real. You feel numb. You feel lost.

Written by AnxiousRomeo on 04 September 2017

Both Wait until Night

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