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The local town emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You spot a town nearby and head off. On your way you run into a sabre-toothed tiger. They bow to you "Are you a new arrival?"


Nodding in answer "Yeah I have just arrived. Do you know what happened?"


The tiger smiles "Not really. Can you tell me what date you think it is and what you were before arriving here?"


You say the date before saying "What do you mean? I was a female skunk taur."


As what you said hits you the tiger smiles "I am guessing you are wondering why you said that. There is something here that makes us stay in character. And for your other question. That was the same date I entered here despite being here for I think six years"


"How are we even here?" you finally ask


"That is one very good question. The dragons have been here for hundreds of years and have not found out anything"


"They have been here for hundreds of years? When did they arrive?"


The tiger smiles "Apparently the same date as both you and I."

Written by catprog on 23 March 2016

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