Day four is thrust upon you as water drips repeatedly upon your maw. The feeling causes terrible nightmares and when you finally wake you find yourself breathing heavily and longing for security. The sky and the wonder of flight fills you before the thoughts are dashed by the crack of light thunder on the horizon. The wind whips into the cave bringing the rain with it. With a full belly and the rain keeping your from journeying you decide to wait most of the day out. When it becomes apparent that the rain will not lift you have no choice but to venture out for a meal. The rain blankets the ground and obscures your vision quite heavily. To exacerbate things, all the wildlife seems to have vanished; taken cover amongst the dense foliage. To your good fortune, however, you happen across a bush of berries which seem edible. Grabbing most of the plant into your maw, you hurry off with it quickly back to the cave. The meal is light but suffices for the remainder of the short and dreary day. Eventually you hunker down into your cave and try to shut out the weather as it rips across the surfaces of the world.
Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 12 April 2013