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The result emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You finish slipping the costume on and look in the mirror. You are still the Renamon. The costume feels like the same magic that changed you but the Renamon costume is blocking it.


Guilmon comes back in and smiles "For someone who thinks they are supposed to be male, you certainly don't look like it."


You look back in the mirror to see the costume chest. This is clearly a female costume as well.


"Anyway I have some questions for you. Was that your first fight?" he asks.


You nod and he continues "I see. Normally I would not allow fighting and especially not the taking of someone else's data but they started the fight."


"Their data?" you ask


"During a fight your data is let out. If you are not careful your opponent will absorb it. Anyway if you want to take full advantage of it, you will need to start training. Your gloves have been washed and hanging outside"


He turns to leave before you have a thought "Was that way they were attacking the smaller digimon?"


He shakes his head "They are at the in-training level. Rookies have filled that part of their data already. They are just cruel"


Written by catprog on 14 April 2016

The end (for now)

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