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Hooving Around star star star star star

<spanFullTF>You choose a cow costume. You slip your feet into the costume then the rest of your body follows. Then you feel a strange pain in your feet as your feet reshape into hooves. Your hands become somewhat hoof-like, but still retain their human shape. Your spine lengthens as your tail grows.


Next, the costume starts sticking to your skin as your udder fills with milk and your internal organs rearrange. Your face stretches out into a muzzle and your ears are pulled to the top of your head and two small horns push their way through. Finally, your chest pushes out to form two breasts and your groin shrinks into your body.</spanFullTF> As the transformation finishes, you realize you are now a female anthro cow.


<span class="female">You choose a cow costume. You slip your feet in to the costume and the rest of your body follows. Your skin starts turning to fur and your feet change into hooves. Your spine lengthens as your tail grows. Your new udders fill with milk and your breasts grow larger.


Next, your hands harden but retain their human shape. Your face is pulled out in to a muzzle and your ears change shape and your ears are pulled to the top of your head. Finally, small horns grow on top of your head.When the transformation is finished, you are a female anthro cow.</spanSumTF></span>


Written by Hank Sheffield on 14 November 2009

The end (for now)

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