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Going down and meeting friends star star star star emptystar

As you go down you see a speck that quickly grows into a dragon.


It sees you and speaks "Oi, what are you doing up here baby dragon or are you a new arrival"


"new arrival" you say.


"Oh. Just glide down and you should be able to see some caves to introduce yourself. I'm trying to set the record for longest flight. Only one and a half days left or around 36 hours left"


You have passed each other and drifted out of range of speech when something he says hits you.


36 hours = one and a half days , but the sign says that a day is 20 hours which means that 36 hours would be almost 2 days but he said that is was one and a half days which means that time is different here then in the rooms. One more question to ask at the caves.

Written by catprog on 08 November 2007

The end (for now)

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