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A new Costume emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Time slows as you feel a crack in your front paw and the searing pain of the bone coming in two. Forced to take a knee to your attacker you turn once more to finish with the final gryphon. Every sound and every breath stops as the world freezes and the cut is made. A deep red and painful gash opens up on the beast, cleaving a section of it's flank from the body. It now lays, helpless, and bleeding as you collapse from the heat of battle. You journey on, weary from your fight and looking for something, anything. After a few minutes you find an old costume laying on the ground. It resembles one of the costumes from the wardrobe. You don the furred thing and are transported to your next wonderful world...

Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 05 April 2013

The end (for now)

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