Go Walk
Tired or not, you decide that sitting around and wondering what is outside he cave is a no go.
“Okay.” You start, and you notice that your voice is much stronger now, and your throat doesn’t hurt at all as you form your words. “I would like to be shown around.”
He simply smiles as he stands up, and you notice that he is missing quite a few teeth, making you wonder just how old he actually is.
He motions for you to stand up, but before you can he says: “Keep it slow. Your body is going to be pretty sore and take some time to recover. You wouldn’t want to hurt yourself even more while it’s trying its best to heal.”
You heed his warning and put one of your paws on the stone wall behind you, the other staying on the floor, as you try and get up without using only your legs. This proves to be pretty difficult, but after a few minutes and a string of curses, you’re up on your sore feet.
“You should be able to walk fine, just make sure you don’t try and walk faster than your body feels like it can. At any time if you feel tired and need to rest, let me know and we can sit down.” He says as he walks over to you and lightly puts his paw on your back to keep you steady as you take your first steps towards the cave entrance.
The first few steps prove to be difficult, and you are glad that he is there to support you, afraid that you might lose your balance. Surprisingly though, you realize that your body doesn’t really hurt all that much, and as you take more steps, they get easier as your muscles get used to walking once more. Before you know it you are at the mouth of the cave, and he is asking you a question.
“So we can either go to introduce you to the alpha, or we can introduce you to the pack mates first. Your choice.”
Written by Pandachannnnn on 22 April 2017
The end (for now)