Why are you here? For what purpose was this seemingly infinite complex built? A game? A show?
Perhaps even a trap...
It feels like the latter as you forlornly watch fish swim by in the dark and murky blue water outside the glass cylinder you stand in. Did that one just look at you? Look at you perhaps, with the knowledge of impending brotherhood?
Its golden and lidless eye makes you cold.
You can't move on without a costume. There are simply no doors in this murky chamber, and you suspect the trigger for liberation lies only under the masks and props before you.
One mask catches your fancy-- a white round face with purple markings above and below,with zigzag ears and a red mane. You slide the mask off its stand of crusty red coral. It's cold and heavy, with the feel of ceramics. Destiny has swept you away and you have no choice but to don this mask you've chosen.
The instant the elastic snaps around your head the glass cylinder shatters with a noise that could be heard by the deaf. Ice water shocks your nerves and you go down under the god-like torrent.
The water grabs you and erodes you, sculpting you as it throws you into the infinite watery void. For a long period of time (to you), there is only the water, and the sweet relaxation of weightlessness...
When you come to, you're floating in the water, a creature with a huge head, compact body, clawed hands and feet(well flippers), and a short muzzle... gomamon. What a strange experience the transformation was, and how unusual! For a few minutes you merely swim around to test your bearings. When you don't detect any walls in this expanse of water, you nervously stick to the pedestal that used to be the room... it wouldn't do to lose your starting point.
But then the pedestal sinks below into the horrifying blackness! You gape and the last few bubbles from your human lungs roll off into the distant surface. You're lost!
A chime sounds and a voice issues a reminder.
"If you put on a costume, you will then become that creature and be teleported to its home town. Then, it will be a week before you can morph." Home town? Where would *that* be?
The cold water shifts, and currents collect under your flippers and shuttle you off into the blue. It would appear you are going to find out.
Written by Mr.Peaches on 13 November 2006
The end (for now)