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Space, The Final Frontier emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The last time you checked, there is only one moon when the night sky is out. Now, you’re looking at three moons and it’s not even night time. Is this really Earth? Or have you been… abducted by aliens and becoming their experimental subject, that’s why your body changed with a mere costume? Or is this the future where humans have evolved?


All kinds of science fiction scenes played in your mind as you carefully thread your steps. This hallway really reminded you of those spaceships you often saw in the movies. Are you in a spaceship? But there’s only darkness if you’re in a spaceship in outer space, how come this one have a day view outside the windows? Are we landing in some planet you couldn’t possibly ever know its existence?


“Oh, hello there, newbie!” the voice startled you from behind and in a speed of a bear you turn around to find another… antropomorphed man? Also a half bear? He had this heavy voice like some Japanese voice actors would dub a bad boy…. Wait, that’s not what you’re supposed to be focusing here.


“Ah, sorry, did I surprise you? Welcome to Eden!”


Eden? Heaven??


Wait, so, you’re… dead??

Written by kelingking2 on 29 April 2016

Both Time to Press the Panic Button
Both No Way, I

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