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The sun is about to set, as you make your way back to the pavilion in great pain, you see Tal in the captivity of the monkeys and boars, he is tied up, bruised and bleeding, and the henchmen await her return in absolute silence. They see the purple motes rise to the sky. They smile in confidence, certain that the renegade carnivore has met her end, but wondering where Queen Ganesha is. You rise confidently out from the side of the pavilion, letting out a great roar. You are badly injured but they look upon you with great fear.


“That’s right!” You let out a laugh. “Ganesha has fallen, no longer will your queen decide for you what you can and can’t eat. She called us killers, and murderers, but hasn’t she killed more beasts than any of us? Just look at this tent – Furs, bones, destruction everywhere! And for what?”


The congregation looks down at the face of discipline. Fearing you might be their new queen.

Written by PrinceZahn on 23 November 2017


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