Insist and Help Out
No, I'll help out.” You bend your head around Caulmon and get up with a groan. There's that dead weight again. Each step was heavy but you weaved yourself around the coffee tables and work your way to the white wood kitchen, it was simple and well cute. Cute was the word your mind latches on as you look around the kitchen for something to do. Tiny silver pots had little flowers imprinted in there sides. If you could see the plates, they would be the same, you had no doubt.
“Could you fetch Renamon and Rika there out front?” Calumon weaved around, surly she didn't need you for that?
“I can cut stuff or set the table. I'm not that tired.” You were but offer a smile to Caulmon, who seems unconvinced.
“Go and get them culu.” Calumon says flatly, the way she floated there while she said that, reminded you of your mom.
“Yes mam!” You reply sharply with a salute, you weren't going to argue and now that you were up, you felt like enjoying the supper Calumon was making. You walk left out the front door, where Rika and Renamon were. They both turned and look at you with funny looks.
“What?” You don't have it in you to be offend though clearly feeling otherwise you would be. “Calumon's got supper done.” You say it like your defending yourself, your not sure why but you feel like you should be on guard.
“Where leaving after supper.” Rika says, “You on your own here on out mom-ma's boy.” Rika crosses her arms and taps her foot, what did she except from you a fight?
“I knew you have to leave sometime. A digiverse to save and all.” You rub behind your head, you feel sad, “I'll miss you guys though.” You express your feeling, not something you normally would do, but felt you could give in to because what was all going on. “It was amazing training with the Renamon.” You duck your head not looking straight at either of them. You might be sharing your feeling but that didn't mean you had to look at them while you were doing it. “Thank you. Thank you both.”
“Isn't that touching?” A deep voice cuts into your conversation. “Sounds like a last farewell to me. Why don't I make it one?” You swirl at the sound at the voice.
Written by psto1464 on 22 August 2017