Got the book
It's the work of a moment for your talons to extract the book from its shelf... now you need to figure out how to carry your prizes. With one book in each foreleg... And then, smiling at your silliness, you recall your saddlebags; you deposit your books in them, and that's that.
For a moment, you curse your stupidity: You don't know how to cast spells—you've never even had a chance to learn how! But... you're a sphinx, now. Complete with the instincts of a sphinx. And right now, those instincts are telling you that you can indeed cast spells. Of course, you also didn't used to know how to read heiroglyphs, did you? So yes, yes, you can cast spells. All you need is somewhere suitable to cast them: "Voice, where can I cast a spell?"
It responds with "upstairs or downstatirs there is a large room to cast in." Well you know about the bottom one but "Voice what about the top one?"
"The top one is smaller then the bottom one but is enclosed"
You listen to your instincts and they are telling you to check out the top room.
Written by Catprog & Cubist on 16 September 2010