(Insert Crazy Falling Sequence Here)
The room is a kind of wooden-
Well, no use thinking about that anymore 'cause YOU FALLIN', SUCKA!
"'KAAAAAAAAAAA!" you cry as you fall down and down and down! All around you lights are flashing with brilliant intensity, apparently to drive away epileptics. You tumble through vectors, and polygons, and almost some Porygons, and finally through a little piece of macaroni in the space-time continuum. Strange five dimensional colors like yargle and bubloo become tame and recognizable as you materialize in the air and slam into something hard and wooden.
You lay stunned in pleasantly scented air gazing at a periwinkle sky, gently swaying. Swaying? Yea, you are on a bridge. A bridge?
"Why does this ALWAYS happeeeeeeeeeAAAAAAUGH!" You cry, tumbling off the bridge and into the river far below. As you are lost in the rapids, that announcer guy comes on and wonders aloud what will become of you. Apparently, that will be revealed next episode.
Written by Mr.Peaches on 11 January 2007
The end (for now)