A secret room?
You rise with the Sun, and get started on the search you tabled last night; your belly is still comfortably full from your last meal, so no need for breakfast. You start tapping the walls and are shocked when you hear a hollow sound you could swear was an outside wall. After a few seconds' pondering the seemingly-blank wall, you decide to try breaking in, so you slash into the wall with your foreclaws. It turns out to be a paper-thin imitation rock, and you slice right through it!
Beyond the false wall, you find a room of about the same size as the one you're in. But you thought the other room was all that could fit into the tower..? "Never mind, it's magic," you tell yourself. This room seems to be a number of cells, each with its own sheaf of parchment sheets tied together by leather thongs. You step into this 'new' room, padding as softly as the cat-thing you are, and take a closer look at the nearest sheaf of parchments. There's writing on the sheets. It seems to be a description of an experiment to turn a human into a ordinary house cat and what effect it has on the subject's behaviour. Curious, you scan the cell where that experiment was presumably conducted. That cell is empty, not even a bed, the subject appears to have been moved a long time ago. The other cells revealing similar results but with dogs,cows and pigs. Hmmm... in the cell which was used for the cow experiment, you see a primitive machine which has a few hoses and cups... right, a milking machine. But it's rather different from any milking machines you've seen or heard of back home!
Written by Catprog & Cubist on 12 September 2010